Panasonic LUMIX GX8 + Olympus M.Zuiko 60mm f2.8 Macro, ISO 200, 1/60 s, f/11, two Speedlites and a desk lamp for lighting
This week’s picture is again from the macro world. A melting ice cube with a refraction of a gerbera in the background. The tones from yellow, orange, and vivid red in their softness contrast with the internal structure of the ice cube. At the same time, the melting process resolves these structures to feed the drop showing a glimpse of the background gerbera. Be assured, the timing to get a large distinct drop in the frame needed a fair amount of trials. Working at nearly 1:1 magnification did not make it easier, as focusing with the shallow depth of field can easily go wrong. Read my article about focusing in macro photography to learn more.
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